Unfinished Beauty's Articles In Misc
November 23, 2004 by Unfinished Beauty
Today hasn't been a very good day at all. A million little things happened that just made it really crummy... I was late to school, found out I have a huge assignment due soon, had to work for the 6th day in a row, my shoe broke at work and was really uncomfortable all night. And now my roomates both have their boyfriends over for the night which leaves me feeling incredibly lonely. I think I am having a pity party. I mean why do things never work out for me? What the hell am I doing wro...
November 21, 2004 by Unfinished Beauty
This weekend has been fun but now I am worn out! Friday night I worked until midnight, and when I got off some friends came over and we watched movies as we finished a bottle of good old Captain Morgan's. Then we played drunken nintendo, which is always a good time. Last night I hung out with some friends in Shawnee and we went to Garfield's and then to Hot Rods (pathetic yes, but its one of the only places to go after midnight in Shawnee!). Now I am sitting here trying to find motivation...
November 15, 2004 by Unfinished Beauty
It's raining today and all I want to do is curl up in a ball with a bunch of blankets and take a nap. It would be even better to have somebody special to curl up with in a bunch of blankets and just take a break from the world and cuddle. Not that I am one of those girls that always needs someone, in fact I am usually the opposite. But sometimes a girl just needs to be held and taken care of, you know? And to have that connection, and emotional support, and just to know that someone cares...