Published on November 23, 2004 By Unfinished Beauty In Misc
Today hasn't been a very good day at all. A million little things happened that just made it really crummy... I was late to school, found out I have a huge assignment due soon, had to work for the 6th day in a row, my shoe broke at work and was really uncomfortable all night. And now my roomates both have their boyfriends over for the night which leaves me feeling incredibly lonely. I think I am having a pity party. I mean why do things never work out for me? What the hell am I doing wrong? I date but never find anyone I just click with. I know I could have a guy spend the night if I want, but I just can't make myself be that kind of person. There are times I love being the single girl, going out with whoever I want and flirting with whoever I want. But its times like these I miss the cuddling, and pillow talk, and having someone to trust and depend on. I like doing the single thing for a while, but honestly I am more of a relationship girl. And its times like these that make me think of past relationships, and how much the feelings and hurt still lingers. Is it ever going to completely go away??? I wish so bad I could just erase it and not feel it anymore. And most of the time I don't, but every so often I have a night where it all comes back and hurts just as bad as ever.
on Nov 23, 2004
Sure it hurts, but do you really want to forget? Aren't there good remembers to go with the bad? And for good or bad what happened is now part of who you are. I know I wouldn't want to forget.